"When I say that Iam death,
'Tis not that I take your breath,
No, not that, but your shadow,
Your Darkness I will borrow..."
Rinaldo looked up from his lute as he sang and noted the man slipping unnoticed through the guards of Morroc's south gate. The man was dressed in a sombre purple tight-fit suit. Bands of cloth wrapped around his arms, legs and chest. The man's face was shadowed by his sakkat; all Rinaldo could see was the man's dark blue hair tied behind his back by a silver clasp.
"...When life is gone as love is lost,
We are still here breathing at most,
You have not really really disappeared,
Not more than I am being feared..."
Rinaldo continued his ode to the Day of the Dead. He watched the man covertly as he passed. He had been given instructions to look out for this man's specific description.
"Do not tell me that your fear me
What you fear most is what you see
The one who dwells in your mirror
That one whom you live for, kill for--"
The song was reaching its climax and Rinaldo's fingers feverishly flew upon the strings. Fiorenne will be very pleased, he thought, smiling. She would reward him well. Thoughts of the flame-haired wizardess' charms filled his head as he launched into the final stanza of the song:
"And therefore whom you will die for.
I'm just here to open the door
And therefore stop your bemoaning
You have time, until the mourning."